Child Dentistry

Child Dentistry

A child's smile is one of the life's best gifts and your child deserves a perfect smile too. Gift your child this perfect smile with the help of our dedicated team of dentists. 

Carious, unaesthetic, ugly teeth can have a huge negative impact on a child's psyche and social well being. Friends making fun at school of your child's black, ugly teeth can hamper his confidence for the rest of his life. Gift your child the best possible oral health and make him smile ahead of others 

Dental care begins with the eruption of your child's first tooth in the oral cavity which is at the age of six months. 

Does your child suffer from any of these problems? 

Decayed black milk teeth? 

Pus filled, pimple associated with the decayed teeth? 

Over retained milk teeth? 

Crowded teeth? 

Thumb sucking 

Pencil eating habits? 

If yes is the answer to any of the above questions, then you need to visit Dentist...